Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Writers Wanted

Nevaeh Publishing is expanding its line. We are currently accepting manuscripts for the following fiction genres: African-American, contemporary, mystery/suspense, inspirational, romance, women’s, multi-cultural and young adult.

We are not interested in receiving manuscripts for: science fiction (Sci-Fi), fantasy, erotic romance, erotica, poetry, illustrated children’s books or non-fiction.

Fiction manuscript word length: range of approximately 65,000 - 100,000
Manuscript pages: Range of approximately 260-350

If your manuscript is polished and meets the aforementioned criteria, please see below.

1) Please submit a one-page synopsis and the first three chapters of the manuscript only. Submissions should be typed, not handwritten, and double-spaced using a size 12 font (Times New Roman, Arial or Courier). Each page should be numbered and contain the author’s name and title in the header.

2) The cover page should contain the author’s name, address, phone number, email address and the title of the submission.

3) Please include a self-addressed postage paid envelope so that your manuscript may be returned to you if necessary. Otherwise, submissions Nevaeh Publishing does not wish to consider for publication will be destroyed.

4) Please allow three to six months from the date of submission to be informed whether or not we wish to review and consider the full manuscript. If interested, the complete manuscript will be requested. The full manuscript should not be submitted unless requested.

Mail submissions to:

Nevaeh Publishing, LLC
P.O. Box 962
Redan, GA 30074-0962

Note: Do not email submissions without prior approval. For additional information, please visit www.nevaehpublishing.com.

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